First Thing
What is Rice Grain and What we do with a rice grain?
You can feed it to the pigeon, Parrot, Squirrel.
You can take a bite too when it raw.
But can you make a God Image from Rice Grain?
Dhana Murti is an rice grain Idols which are made by using three elements like rice Grains, bamboo silvers and colored threads. The bamboo silvers are dipped in a turmeric water and kept in sun for dry and more flexible. Then the crafts man sit to fold and coil the rice sticks into various forms and objects.
Dhana Murthi |
The coiled sticks are put in a place with a twist of colored cotton threads, to look beautiful and more attractive. From this coil craftsmen made various types of Goddess Laxmi or Lord Ganesha, Kalash and peacock art.
This art was made by the tribal Mundari which are found in Jharkhand state, Odisha, west Bengal, Chattisgarh, Bihar and Bangladesh. Dhanamurti is a beautiful Home Decor products which always brings about our culture, richness and diversity.